In the first days of August, I found myself in Britain’s most northerly city, Aberdeen, for work reasons. I arranged to arrive on Sunday so that i could have time to see the city.

Much to my surprise, the weather treated me well and during my (short) stay in Aberdeen, it was warm (around 18 C) and mainly sunny.

Aberdeen is also known as the Granite city because the buildings of the of Union Street (the Granite Mile) are built from granite. During these two beautiful days I stayed in Aberdeen, the façades where sparkling in sunshine, and any suspicion of grey miserable weather was far away.

i visited the Aberdeen old town where the University of Aberdeen and the Cathedral is, and then i strolled around the city. I really enjoyed walking around the campus and the old town of Aberdeen.

I stayed in The Craibstone Suites, in Bon Accord Square. A really beautiful small hotel.

I had dinner at Mi Amore, a really nice Italian restaurant I found in the city.

The next day, early in the morning and before my meeting with clients, I managed to visit the Aberdeen beach. I am so glad the weather was so nice. People were asking me if it was windy (becuse it usually is) but no.. it wasn’t. Just a beautiful morning at the beach.

On my way to the city, I stopped to have some breakfast in this cute place.

Until next time!